Established 1879
Due to the Coronavirus, there are currently no Services
or events other than Friday Night and Shabbat morning.
To attend you must register. Click here to to do so.
Shabbat begins on Friday 24th April at 7:58pm
This week's sedra is Parshat Tazria-Metzora
Shabbat ends on Saturday 25th April at 9:06pm
Email the office for details of our Live-streaming events
Building Fund
The New West End is over 140 years old and is the jewel in the crown of the United Synagogue - there is almost no synagogue quite like it in the United Kingdom.
As you can imagine, the synagogue has high running costs, as well as money being needed for essential refurbishments.
We would really appreciate any donations you are able to make, to keep us up and running.
Donations can be made to our building fund in a number of ways:
online at
bank transfer. Our bank details are:
Sort Code: 60-15-33
Account No. 68501382
Account Name: New West End.
giving us a call at 020 7229 2631 with your credit card details.
Many thanks in advance.