Established 1879
Due to the Coronavirus, there are currently no Services
or events other than Friday Night and Shabbat morning.
To attend you must register. Click here to to do so.
Shabbat begins on Friday 24th April at 7:58pm
This week's sedra is Parshat Tazria-Metzora
Shabbat ends on Saturday 25th April at 9:06pm
Email the office for details of our Live-streaming events
Who's Who?
David Slovick
Vice Chairman
Debbie Talalay
Financial Representative
Jeff Altman
Synagogue Council
Diane Bloom Tony Dinkin
Stephanie Featherman Henry Magrill
Rachel Magrill Felicity Miller
Toni Nagel Jonathan Paisner
Dori Schmetterling Michael Sharron
Trevor Toube
Representative at Board of Deputies
Dori Schmetterling
Administrator and Beadle
Community Safeguarding Coordinator