Established 1879
Due to the Coronavirus, there are currently no Services
or events other than Friday Night and Shabbat morning.
To attend you must register. Click here to to do so.
Shabbat begins on Friday 24th April at 7:58pm
This week's sedra is Parshat Tazria-Metzora
Shabbat ends on Saturday 25th April at 9:06pm
Email the office for details of our Live-streaming events
What To Do In The Event Of Bereavement
Notify the Burial Society IMMEDIATELY by calling 020 8950 7767 and choosing Option 1.
Notify Synagogue (020 7229 2631).
Obtain a death certificate from the Doctor or Hospital, stating the cause of death.
Take the death certificate to the Registrar for Births and Deaths. It must be the Registrar in the vicinity where the death occurred.
Phone the Burial Society once you have been issued with the relevant documentation. The Burial Society will advise what to do next.
Once funeral arrangements have been made, the Burial Society will contact the Synagogue Administrator who will assist with the shiva chairs and prayer books and liaise with the Rabbi about the funeral and shiva. If you wish, you may contact your own Minister.
Notify family and friends of the arrangements. The Synagogue will do its best to advise congregants of the funeral and shiva arrangements by email and telephone.
Register Offices
Westminster Register Office
Westminster Council House
Marylebone Road
T: (020) 7641 1161
Kensington and Chelsea Register Office
Chelsea Old Town Hall
Kings Road
Tel: 020 7361 4100